Tuesday, September 4, 2007

The CEO Speaks

Hi there!

First thing first, welcome to our humble blog. This blog is designed for the usage of everyone and please, feel free to participate in any discussion and to submit any questions or doubts regarding our management team, our employees and also our product.

Krayon-la has been in the business for so many years now. There were ups and downs that my father and his colleagues has to face in the early days of Krayon-la and they have done a very good job in pulling the company out from the deepest hole of corporate world. Now, being the fifth biggest manufacturer of crayons in the world, I believe that all of us at Krayon-la have done a very good job.

To me, Krayon-la is more about a legacy rather than just a stationeries company. Having to be the sole hire to the company is not an easy task, but I am honored to take on the responsibility and looking forward to drive Krayon-la towards a better future and prosperity.

Till the next entry

Color up your life

CEO of Krayon_la
Tuan Hj Damian Idris


AaRo said...

First and foremost, I was impressed to see the picture of your CEO in your CEO’s Blog.
I think it was such a brilliant idea to grab the attention for those who visiting your website.
The company’s name is sound so catchy (Krayon_la) but somehow its sound like you are underestimating us by using the word “la” at the end of the word.
Overall, I love your website; simple but interesting.
Just bear in your mind; “Keep up the Good Work!!”

Glamorous team

damien_geordie said...

hello glamorous!!!

thank you so much for your comment. My team of designers have put a lot of efforts into the website and it is very nice that someone actually acknowledge the superb design done by them.

I am very sorry if the name Krayon_la has offended anyone. For your information, the name Krayon_la is based on our sister company in the US which is Crayola. Crayola was founded by my uncles, Edwin Binney and C. Harold Smith.

My father found the name very intresting and decided to adopt the name and change it into something that relate to Malaysians. Besides that, he also wanted to avoid any copyright infringement in the future.

We at Krayon_la wishes you a great day ahead in your glamorous world of business.

Tuan Haji Datuk Damien Idris
CEO, Krayon_la

MISScha said...

hello there team Krayon_la!

I am kind of suprise to hear from one of my friend who works with Krayon_la that your company only consist of Malays and bumiputera.

Why is that so?
Aren't your company a malaysian based company?
As a malaysian based company, shouldn't you be more open in hiring workers?
Do you think that what's being adapted in your comapny will take you further?


Laila Hasna said...

Hai and thank you for your comment. Based on your question, our company is not based in Malaysia. For your information our company is based our sister company in the US which is Crayola.

For your second question about why we have Malays and Bumiputera workers, it is just an incident. We are open an interview to all Malaysian citizen but only Malay and Bumiputera coming for the interview. We will accept if another race wants to work with us. Our company are not bias in choose workers for the factory or in other department.

In the future, we will open more branches in few countries. At that time we need more workers and who come for the interview we will accept it. Not for Malays and Bumiputera workers only.

Norlaila Hasna Hashim
Vice President of Human Resource

Farhana Razak said...

hi there...

Wow, i was so impressed to see your
corporate website..it was really attractive!

keep up with your good work..

-farhana razak-

Nik Syafawati bt Mohd Azmin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nik Syafawati bt Mohd Azmin said...

Como estas?

My son, Mark, has been using Krayon_la for a couple of years now starting at the age of 12yrs. So roughly we can consider him as one of your product's loyal users. He has this issue when it comes to his favourite belongings.
Last Christmas, his grandparents gave him a special Batman Limited Edition costume which he loved so much. He wore the costume once and he had accidentally placed a couple of Krayon_la in his pocket. After the costume got washed, i found out that there were several irremovable
stains around the area of his costume's pocket. I've tried to use different types of detergents and softeners to remove the stains but my effort was nothing more than being unsuccessful. I tried to get him a new costume but he would still prefer the old one. It breaks my heart to see his sad face
every time when he stares at the old costume, which is kept inside his closet. Why is it so hard to remove Krayon_la stains from the costume compared to other crayon brands? Do you have any 'miracle' tips of how to get the costume stains free? I really need your help with this matter.

Worried Mom,

haslindayusof said...

Firstly, I am one of your customers. I just buy you crayon for my kids last week. In my concern right now is I want to know does your product contain any chemical that can cause a side effect to kids. This is because I just realize that my kids like to bite their crayon while coloring their books. So, to make a confirmation to myself I would be very thankful if you can answer my question. I really need your help in this matter. Thank you..

sri said...

I’m the representative from Darul Izzah Orphanage (DIO). We would like to ask your kindness to be one of our sponsorship in our upcoming event which is the Family Day programme. The event will be held on 26 October 2007, and the venue is in the Darul Izzah Orphanage House, Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor.

We will be accepting any kind of item such as crayon and other premiums or monetary funds. The purpose of this request is to support our programme where one of the activities will be the coloring competition and also for the prizes to the winners since our financial resources is very limited.

Darul Izzah Orphanage (DIO) now has over 31 male orphans between the age of 7 to 16 years old. A committee of volunteers currently manages "DIO" solely from public donations.

"DIO" urgently needs financial support to make the programme success. Donations and sponsorships are most welcomed. For your reference and further information, please refer to the information below:
Lot 2191-2A, Pekan Makmur,
43650 Bandar Baru Bangi,
Selangor Darul Ehsan,
Telephone No.
03 - 89257263
Fax No.
03 – 89257263
We hope to hear from you soon. Thank you.

Sri Wahyu
(Darul Izzah Orphanage)