Thursday, October 4, 2007

Getting To Know You, Getting To Know All About You

We have worked so hard in making our crayon-filled dream a reality. We deserve some sort of exposure to have our pictures up in this entry. Excuse our narcissism but this is how we make sure our customers recognise us and this is a sure way for them to trust us even more!

Introducing our lovable CEO, Datuk Hj Damian Idris. Voted by our staff as one of the most down-to-earth CEO somewhat like Sir Richard Branson minus the whackiness for the year 2005, 2006 and 2007. He makes sure that his employees are well fed and taken care off. A good-hearted and soft-spoken man, Datuk Hj Damian is known for his countless charitable deeds and his passion for crayons.

Next up is our Vice President of Finance, Siti Aisyah Mohd Ariff. She monitors our accounts closely to the point that we're beginning to feel that she dreams nothing but numbers. She is extremely meticulous on her book keeping (for obvious reasons) and makes sure we spend necessarily and not excessively.

The one with all the asnwers pertaining Krayon_la would be Adlina Mohd Azharuddin our Vice President of Public Relations. Miss-know-it-all here handles all relations one could ever think of and deals with many writings which puts J.K Rowling to shame. She thinks highly of Krayon_la which makes her ever so passionate about her job.

Norlaila Hasna Hashim, our Vice President of Human Resource is responsible for the recruitment employess. This petite lass takes care of the employee's welfare which many of our employees grew fond of her and nicknamed her 'Mom' for her motherly nature. Krayon_la is our extended family, therefore each and every employee is given lots of TLC.

Last but not least is Dr. Natasha Nazaruddin, our Vice President of Education Development and Support. We felt that we needed this particular department as our target audiences were mainly children. We also felt that nobody suits this job better than Dr.Natasha as she has always been the children's favourite. This department not only deals with children but anything related to crayons, children of all ages and schools.

Now that we have introduced you to our higher management, you would have a basic idea of how Krayon_la operates. All of us in the higher management unanimously agree that we have the best job anyone could ever have!

5th Entry

We were ecstatic to receive a number of non-profit organizations writing in to us about gaining our support for their cause. This particularly entry caught our eyes:


To whom that it may concern, On behalf on UNICEF, we would like to make a request to support our campaign on Stop Child Abuse campaign. The main aim of the Campaign is to break the silence around child abuse. Violence against children – especially sexual violence – is often shrouded in secrecy and this makes it hard for any action to be taken to stop it. Because of this we would like your company to support or collaboration with us by giving any kind of sponsorship. We will be very thankful if you can collaborate with us.

UNICEF Communication Group



We would like to thank for your request regarding the sponsorship to support your program on Stop Child Abuse Campaign. Our company is keen to be a part of any program that are related to children since we are very concern on the welfare of children. After further discussion with the board of directors, we are interested to take part in your program by providing the non-monetary items. The non-monetary items that we would like to provide will be 200 packets (5 pieces per packet) of our colorful crayons which worth RM500. If there’s any inquiries please don’t hesitate to contact our Public Relations Department, Adlina Azharuddin, at 03-79653222.


Siti Aisyah Mhd Ariff

Vice President of Finance

(Answering on behalf of Krayon_la's CEO, Datuk Hj Damian Idris)

4th Entry

A concern public has posted a question of her apprehension about the damage that have caused by our crayons:

Firstly, I am one of your customers. I just buy you crayon for my kids last week. In my concern right now is I want to know does your product contain any chemical that can cause a side effect to kids. This is because I just realize that my kids like to bite their crayon while coloring their books. So, to make a confirmation to myself I would be very thankful if you can answer my question. I really need your help in this matter. Thank you..



Hi there glamgurlz. Thank you so much for your inquiry regarding krayon_la product. Firstly, I would to inform you that our product is non-toxic and it is made from oil base. When we say that an item is non-toxic, it means that it doesn’t contain or has any poisonous material especially when capable of causing serious debilitation that could harm users especially kids. We have tested the product and it is proven that it is safe and has no side effects to users. In addition, at the back of the packet of the crayon, there is information regarding the contents of the product. Therefore, with the explanation above, I hope that it will answer your doubt.

No worries, no doubts...and your kids will surely have fun with the colorful colors of krayon_la!

Thank you

Dr. Natasha Nazaruddin

Vice President of Education Development and Support

(Answering on behalf of Krayon_la's CEO Datuk Hj Damian Idris)

3rd Entry

Thank you for all your comment! Since it is our policy to be transparent to our consumers and stakeholders, we would like to clarify this particular issue:

hello there team Krayon_la!

I am kind of suprise to hear from one of my friend who works with Krayon_la that your company only consist of Malays and bumiputera.

Why is that so?
Aren't your company a malaysian based company?
As a malaysian based company, shouldn't you be more open in hiring workers?
Do you think that what's being adapted in your comapny will take you further?



Hi and thank you for your comment. Referring to your question, it is true that our company is based in Malaysia. It easy for us company to run our business here. For your information we also have our own factory here.

Regarding on your second question about why we only have Malays and Bumiputera workers, it is just a coincident. We opened our interview session to all Malaysian citizens but mostly only Malay and Bumiputera came for the interview. We have accepted other races who want to work with us. Our company is not bias in choosing workers for the factory or in other department.

In the future, we will open more branches in a few countries. At that time we need more workers and who come for the interview we will accept it. Not for Malays and Bumiputera workers only.

Norlaila Hasna Hashim

Vice President of Human Resource

(Answering on behalf of Krayon_la's CEO, Datuk Hj Damian Idris)

2nd Entry

An inquiry from one of our consumers', all the way from South America, which sounds like:

Como estas?

My son, Mark, has been using Krayon_la for a couple of years now starting at the age of 12yrs. So roughly we can consider him as one of your product's loyal users. He has this issue when it comes to his favourite belongings.

Last Christmas, his grandparents gave him a special Batman Limited Edition costume which he loved so much. He wore the costume once and he had accidentally placed a couple of Krayon_la in his pocket. After the costume got washed, i found out that there were several irremovable stains around the area of his costume's pocket. I've tried to use different types of detergents and softeners to remove the stains but my effort was nothing more than being unsuccessful. I tried to get him a new costume but he would still prefer the old one. It breaks my heart to see his sad face every time when he stares at the old costume, which is kept inside his closet. Why is it so hard to remove Krayon_la stains from the costume compared to other crayon brands? Do you have any 'miracle' tips of how to get the costume stains free? I really need your help with this matter.

Worried Mom,


Dear Worried Mom

First and foremost we at Krayon_la are absolutely honored that your son has been our loyal customer for years! We would like to thank you and your son for your continuous support in making us your preferred crayon brand.

We feel for Mark. However, fret not, our crayons are 100% washable. Due to contrary believes our crayons are like no other and it is especially designed to easily wash off all surfaces. No need for detergents and fancy stain removers. All you need is water, soap (yes, a hand soap could do the trick), a rough cloth and a few paper towels.

First, place the stained surface down on pad of paper towels, rub on soap, let it stand for a few minutes then turn the fabric over and repeat on the other side. Later work your way into the stained area, replacing towelling as it absorbs the stain. Next, rinse with warm water and voila! The stain is removed!

No more tears for little Mark! He now has his costume back and is able to enjoy our crayons without you worrying for any stains any more!


Adlina Mohd Azharuddin

Vice President of Public Relations

(Answering on behalf of Krayon_la's CEO, Datuk Hj Damian Idris)

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Krayon_la' s employees activities

Throughout the years, krayon_la has been known for its top employee relations. We treat each and everyone of our employees like our own family members. We believe the employees are the backbone of the company, therefore we treat them with full of respect and honour them as well. Due to this, we at krayon_la have high-lighted the activities that we have laid out for the employees throughout this year.

CEO's Hari Raya Trip

During the last Hari Raya Aidilfitri, I took part in the annual Hari Raya visit to the staff's home. Here is my personal video that I have recorded in the bus!

Enjoy the video!

Krayon_la's Cleaning Solution

We have received a complaint from one of our customers being that our crayons are non-washable! We are very concern about our customer's satisfaction. Therefore, we did some testing on our crayons and found a solution towards this problem.

Check out our video for demonstration!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Krayon_la's Committee Members

This is an introduction of us, made personally by us for you! Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

The CEO Speaks

Hi there!

First thing first, welcome to our humble blog. This blog is designed for the usage of everyone and please, feel free to participate in any discussion and to submit any questions or doubts regarding our management team, our employees and also our product.

Krayon-la has been in the business for so many years now. There were ups and downs that my father and his colleagues has to face in the early days of Krayon-la and they have done a very good job in pulling the company out from the deepest hole of corporate world. Now, being the fifth biggest manufacturer of crayons in the world, I believe that all of us at Krayon-la have done a very good job.

To me, Krayon-la is more about a legacy rather than just a stationeries company. Having to be the sole hire to the company is not an easy task, but I am honored to take on the responsibility and looking forward to drive Krayon-la towards a better future and prosperity.

Till the next entry

Color up your life

CEO of Krayon_la
Tuan Hj Damian Idris