Thursday, October 4, 2007

3rd Entry

Thank you for all your comment! Since it is our policy to be transparent to our consumers and stakeholders, we would like to clarify this particular issue:

hello there team Krayon_la!

I am kind of suprise to hear from one of my friend who works with Krayon_la that your company only consist of Malays and bumiputera.

Why is that so?
Aren't your company a malaysian based company?
As a malaysian based company, shouldn't you be more open in hiring workers?
Do you think that what's being adapted in your comapny will take you further?



Hi and thank you for your comment. Referring to your question, it is true that our company is based in Malaysia. It easy for us company to run our business here. For your information we also have our own factory here.

Regarding on your second question about why we only have Malays and Bumiputera workers, it is just a coincident. We opened our interview session to all Malaysian citizens but mostly only Malay and Bumiputera came for the interview. We have accepted other races who want to work with us. Our company is not bias in choosing workers for the factory or in other department.

In the future, we will open more branches in a few countries. At that time we need more workers and who come for the interview we will accept it. Not for Malays and Bumiputera workers only.

Norlaila Hasna Hashim

Vice President of Human Resource

(Answering on behalf of Krayon_la's CEO, Datuk Hj Damian Idris)

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