Thursday, October 4, 2007

Getting To Know You, Getting To Know All About You

We have worked so hard in making our crayon-filled dream a reality. We deserve some sort of exposure to have our pictures up in this entry. Excuse our narcissism but this is how we make sure our customers recognise us and this is a sure way for them to trust us even more!

Introducing our lovable CEO, Datuk Hj Damian Idris. Voted by our staff as one of the most down-to-earth CEO somewhat like Sir Richard Branson minus the whackiness for the year 2005, 2006 and 2007. He makes sure that his employees are well fed and taken care off. A good-hearted and soft-spoken man, Datuk Hj Damian is known for his countless charitable deeds and his passion for crayons.

Next up is our Vice President of Finance, Siti Aisyah Mohd Ariff. She monitors our accounts closely to the point that we're beginning to feel that she dreams nothing but numbers. She is extremely meticulous on her book keeping (for obvious reasons) and makes sure we spend necessarily and not excessively.

The one with all the asnwers pertaining Krayon_la would be Adlina Mohd Azharuddin our Vice President of Public Relations. Miss-know-it-all here handles all relations one could ever think of and deals with many writings which puts J.K Rowling to shame. She thinks highly of Krayon_la which makes her ever so passionate about her job.

Norlaila Hasna Hashim, our Vice President of Human Resource is responsible for the recruitment employess. This petite lass takes care of the employee's welfare which many of our employees grew fond of her and nicknamed her 'Mom' for her motherly nature. Krayon_la is our extended family, therefore each and every employee is given lots of TLC.

Last but not least is Dr. Natasha Nazaruddin, our Vice President of Education Development and Support. We felt that we needed this particular department as our target audiences were mainly children. We also felt that nobody suits this job better than Dr.Natasha as she has always been the children's favourite. This department not only deals with children but anything related to crayons, children of all ages and schools.

Now that we have introduced you to our higher management, you would have a basic idea of how Krayon_la operates. All of us in the higher management unanimously agree that we have the best job anyone could ever have!

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